Be a Jewish Ally!
Let's build the movement
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Enough is enough!

There has been a shocking rise of antisemitism since October 7th, 2023. Canada has been a particular flashpoint for rising hatred against the Jewish community.

Jewish Ally started with a few friends and has grown into a movement - between Jewish Canadians and those who proudly call themselves allies. It's a movement to stand-up to hate and show that our voices won't be silenced or ignored.

We are rallying allies to wake up our political leaders. We invite you to add your name as a Jewish ally! We won't share your name with anyone else but we will contact you with opportunities to participate.

For those who want to lend more than their voice, we will also be buying targeted digital advertising to bring more allies into our community. If you're especially able, please get in touch to make a donation. Every dollar donated adds more Canadians to speak with us.

Jewish Ally Frequently Asked Questions

Andrew Kirsch is leading this effort to provide a political response to politicians who have abandoned the Jewish community during their hour of need.
Yes, of course! This campaign is for Jews and their allies to speak together with one voice and say 'enough is enough'
Call a Jewish friend, they'd love to hear from you. Spread our message of community on social media. Make sure you sign up to receive updates on future events.
Every dollar gives us more reach more Canadian through highly geotargeted social media advertising. We are signing up community leaders (both aspiring and established!) to mobilize their networks.